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Lexington Avenue Curb Market, Asheville, NC (8-77) #1

Lexington Avenue Curb Market, Asheville, NC (8-77) #1

In the late seventies the market was moved to new buildings outside of town.

Lexington Avenue Curb Market, Asheville, NC (9-77)A

Lexington Avenue Curb Market, Asheville, NC (9-77)A

Store Window, Lexington Ave., Asheville, NC (6-80)

Store Window, Lexington Ave., Asheville, NC (6-80)

Barnett's Barbershop, Lexington Ave. Asheville, NC (7-80)

Barnett's Barbershop, Lexington Ave. Asheville, NC (7-80)

Lexington Avenue, Asheville, NC (4-78)

Lexington Avenue, Asheville, NC (4-78)

Clay Hogan, Watch Repairman,Asheville, NC (4-78)

Clay Hogan, Watch Repairman,Asheville, NC (4-78)

Bill Hughes, Dealer in Herbs and Furs, Asheville, NC (9-78)

Bill Hughes, Dealer in Herbs and Furs, Asheville, NC (9-78)

Federal Building, Asheville, NC (3-78)

Federal Building, Asheville, NC (3-78)

The building has been restored to it's original use and name, The Grove Arcade, with shops on the ground floor and apartments above.

Beva Lusk's Boarding House, Asheville, NC (4-81)

Beva Lusk's Boarding House, Asheville, NC (4-81)

James Clark, Valley Street, Asheville, NC (11-80)

James Clark, Valley Street, Asheville, NC (11-80)

Valley Street no longer exists. It is now a four lane thoroughfare called South Charlotte Street.

Blue Ribbon Grill, Eagle Street, Asheville, NC (1-82)

Blue Ribbon Grill, Eagle Street, Asheville, NC (1-82)

Plaza Tap Room, Asheville, NC (1-82)

Plaza Tap Room, Asheville, NC (1-82)

This space is now Curate tapas bar.

Henry's Barbershop, Biltmore Avenue, Asheville, NC (10-83)A

Henry's Barbershop, Biltmore Avenue, Asheville, NC (10-83)A

Eagles Bingo, Asheville, NC (6-85)

Eagles Bingo, Asheville, NC (6-85)

Tops Filling Station, Asheville, NC (11-80)

Tops Filling Station, Asheville, NC (11-80)

Rat Alley, Asheville, NC (1-84)

Rat Alley, Asheville, NC (1-84)

This subterranean alley is under the Wall Street sidewalk.

Joe's Motorcycles, Asheville, NC (c. 1982)

Joe's Motorcycles, Asheville, NC (c. 1982)

This building is now architect's offices.

The Demolition of North Pack Square, Asheville, NC (7-78)

The Demolition of North Pack Square, Asheville, NC (7-78)

This side of the square is now the Biltmore Co. corporate offices.

Warehouse, Asheville, NC (4-81)

Warehouse, Asheville, NC (4-81)

This building is being renovated as a boutique hotel.

Teague's Used Furniture,  Asheville, NC (4-82)

Teague's Used Furniture, Asheville, NC (4-82)

Williams Feed, Asheville, NC (11-81)A

Williams Feed, Asheville, NC (11-81)A

Small feed stores can't compete with chains. This building is now artist's studios.

Rabbits,Williams Feed Store, Asheville, NC (11-81)B

Rabbits,Williams Feed Store, Asheville, NC (11-81)B

Asheville Cotton Mill (6-78)

Asheville Cotton Mill (6-78)

A major employer in Asheville until 1953. The building was destroyed in in a 1995 fire.

Asheville Cotton Mill, Asheville, NC (9-78) #2

Asheville Cotton Mill, Asheville, NC (9-78) #2

Asheville Cotton Mill,  Asheville, NC (4-79)

Asheville Cotton Mill, Asheville, NC (4-79)

Asheville Cotton Mill, Asheville, NC (9-78) #1A

Asheville Cotton Mill, Asheville, NC (9-78) #1A

The only part of the mill to survive the fire. It is now artists studios.

Asheville Cotton Mill (6-79)A

Asheville Cotton Mill (6-79)A

Asheville Cotton Mill, Asheville, NC (2-80) #2A

Asheville Cotton Mill, Asheville, NC (2-80) #2A

Asheville Cotton Mill (9-88)

Asheville Cotton Mill (9-88)

Earle-Chesterfield Mill, Asheville, NC (9-88)

Earle-Chesterfield Mill, Asheville, NC (9-88)

Burned April 1995 in the same fire that consumed the cotton mill.

Loading Grain, Earle-Chesterfield Mill, Asheville, NC  (3-78)

Loading Grain, Earle-Chesterfield Mill, Asheville, NC (3-78)

French Broad Food Co-Op, Earle-Chesterfield Mill (9-88)

French Broad Food Co-Op, Earle-Chesterfield Mill (9-88)

Bucket Belt, Earle-Chesterfield Mill, Asheville, NC #2 (3-85)A

Bucket Belt, Earle-Chesterfield Mill, Asheville, NC #2 (3-85)A

Earle-Chesterfield Mill, Asheville, NC (3-85) #3

Earle-Chesterfield Mill, Asheville, NC (3-85) #3

Pulley Room, Earle-Chesterfield Mill (3-85)

Pulley Room, Earle-Chesterfield Mill (3-85)

Drive Belts,  Earle-Chesterfield Mill (3-85)

Drive Belts, Earle-Chesterfield Mill (3-85)

Ducts, Earle-Chesterfield Mill, Asheville, NC (3-85)A

Ducts, Earle-Chesterfield Mill, Asheville, NC (3-85)A

Cam Metcalf, Earle-Chesterfield Mill, Asheville, NC (3-85)

Cam Metcalf, Earle-Chesterfield Mill, Asheville, NC (3-85)

WNC Livestock Market (9-88)

WNC Livestock Market (9-88)

WNC Livestock Market  #2 (9-88)

WNC Livestock Market #2 (9-88)

The livestock market is now in Rural Haywood Co. The space is now the New Belgium Brewery

New Asheville Speedway (9-88)

New Asheville Speedway (9-88)

Due to it's noise, a local hotel's owners bought the race track and had it converted to a bicycle velodrome.

Fishing Hut, River Road, Asheville, NC (c. 1979)

Fishing Hut, River Road, Asheville, NC (c. 1979)

Setting Tobacco Plants, Democrat, NC (6-09)

Setting Tobacco Plants, Democrat, NC (6-09)

Tobacco was the mainstay of many small farms in the mountains.

Robert Wilson & Gene Garrison harvesting tobacco (9-11)

Robert Wilson & Gene Garrison harvesting tobacco (9-11)

Robert,Junior & Gene Loading Staked Tobacco, Democrat, NC (9-04)

Robert,Junior & Gene Loading Staked Tobacco, Democrat, NC (9-04)

Big Burley #2, Asheville, NC (6-83)A

Big Burley #2, Asheville, NC (6-83)A

Tobacco warehouses spent most of the year empty.

Day's Tobacco Warehouse, Asheville, NC (12-88)

Day's Tobacco Warehouse, Asheville, NC (12-88)

John McCurry Eating Lunch, Riverside Flea Market, Asheville, NC (10-81)

John McCurry Eating Lunch, Riverside Flea Market, Asheville, NC (10-81)

Dixie-Big Burley's off season usage.

Tobacco Curing, Big Burley #2 , Asheville, NC (9-81)

Tobacco Curing, Big Burley #2 , Asheville, NC (9-81)

Tobacco Curing, Big Burley #2, Asheville, NC (10-82)

Tobacco Curing, Big Burley #2, Asheville, NC (10-82)

Farmer's Tobacco Warehouse, Asheville, NC (12-90)#2

Farmer's Tobacco Warehouse, Asheville, NC (12-90)#2

Dixie-Big Burley Tobacco Warehouse, Asheville, NC (1-84)

Dixie-Big Burley Tobacco Warehouse, Asheville, NC (1-84)

Heavy Rain, Dixie-Big Burley, Asheville, NC (1-82)

Heavy Rain, Dixie-Big Burley, Asheville, NC (1-82)

Preparing for Market, Farmer's Tobacco Warehouse, Asheville, NC (12-90)

Preparing for Market, Farmer's Tobacco Warehouse, Asheville, NC (12-90)

Tobacco Market, Asheville, NC (12-88)

Tobacco Market, Asheville, NC (12-88)

After deregulation of the allotment system tobacco growing for small farms died off. Asheville no longer has a tobacco market.

Day's Tobacco Warehouse, Asheville, NC #2 (12-88)

Day's Tobacco Warehouse, Asheville, NC #2 (12-88)

Watching the Sale of a Year's Work, Tobacco Market, Asheville, NC  (1-89)

Watching the Sale of a Year's Work, Tobacco Market, Asheville, NC (1-89)

Demolition, Dixie-Big Burley, Asheville, NC (3-24) #5

Demolition, Dixie-Big Burley, Asheville, NC (3-24) #5

Demolition, Dixie-Big Burley, Asheville, NC (3-24) #1

Demolition, Dixie-Big Burley, Asheville, NC (3-24) #1

After years of sitting empty this warehouse is being removed to make way for a new expressway bridge.

This section's name comes from a line from Asheville native Thomas Wolfe's "Look Homeward Angel".   "O, lost and by the wind grieved. Ghost come back again. "

These are images from a lost world. Most of these photographs  were done 30  to 40 years ago.   Asheville wasn't quite as tourist crazy as today and was more a part of the surrounding area.  I mourn these places and people in Asheville  that have been lost.  Some died, some burned and most were lost to government deregulation, urban renewal and  neighborhood gentrifacation. 

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